Week 53 - We Love You!

Well, it has officially been a year since I have been on my mission. And I can say that it has been the BEST year of my life. I love every moment of my mission. Yeah, sometimes it might be difficult or hard but I have learned so much and am so grateful for everything that I have learned! Luckily I still have a year left! Here are some great highlights that happened this week!
  • We fixed 3 baptisms this week! I am always so happy when people accept to be baptized!
  • On Thursday, we had leadership council! It was the same day as my year mark so it was fun seeing others that started the same time as me there! We have a powerhouse promotion! I think we make up close to half the leaders of our mission now, and we are all only at our year mark!
  • Also, Thursday night Elder Harrison and I went to a food truck that had American Flags all over it and it is called "The Steakhouse"! So yeah, I had a real steak and real fries! It was amazing!!
  • Then also on Thursday night, we went and got some Mountain Dew and Elder Koyle and I pounded some Dew to celebrate!
  • Started going hard on the Tahitian language this week! I have a year now to learn and speak Tahitian!
This past week we fixed a baptism with this young man named Ariki. He is 11 years old and is soon to be 12. He has been taking lessons for the last 2 years and has wanted to be baptized but his mom won't allow him to. The hard thing is that he lives here in Tahiti with his Aunt and his mom lives in Bora Bora because that is where she works. So for the most part she is never here. 2 weeks ago, she was in Tahiti and by a miracle we ran into her and were able to talk with her about her son. The conversation soon turned into a heated discussion and I knew that it wasn't going to get anywhere. When she looked over at me I simply said one thing, "We love you", after that we could tell she calmed down a lot and then we ended the conversation and walked away. We were pretty discouraged because we felt like we didn't help the situation any. This past week we had a lesson with Ariki, and he told us that his mom accepted for him to be baptized. She told him that when I told her just the simple phrase of "We love you" it changed her whole perspective.

So moral of the story, don't be afraid to tell people that you love them! It really can go a long way. Share the Love of Christ with others. You never know what it could do!

I love you all so much! Have a great week!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt
Elder Koyle and I celebrating our year mark
Shot gunned some Dew's
 American Food
Best food in a LONG time!
 Powerhouse leadership
Stay strong!


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