Week 52 - 1 Year Down!


I hope you all have had a great week and are doing well! This week was full for us and we sure didn't miss a minute of it! It was full of lessons, splits with members, and fun activities! Let's just say I am a little tired, but here are some highlights!
  • We got a super awesome Tahitian living in our house now. He is waiting for his visa to go to Africa!
  • Elder Harrison and I gave talks in church this last Sunday. I spoke on missionary work within the family and also about genealogy work!
  • One night this week for our dinner we went to an 8 year olds birthday party .. that sure was interesting!
  • Today for P Day we went and hiked Mt Vaitavere! It was a pretty great hike and we found this super cool graffiti picture of some wings, so of course I had to get a picture with them!
  • This week we have really been working harder on being more bold and engaging others for baptism. This week we have been blessed and were able to fix 4 baptism dates within the next month! That means we have some teaching to do!
  • We also found a new family this week. We have already taught them twice and both lessons went really well! I love seeing the impact the church can make in others lives!
I hope you all have a great week! This Thursday I hit my year mark and that is actually insane! The time has flown by! I love every second of my mission! There is nothing better then being able to serve the Lord! I love you all so much! Thanks for all your support!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt
 This was some really cool graffiti!
Hiking Mt Vaitavere
Celebrating a birthday
Now I'm dealing with fungal infections on my legs!


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