Week 51 - I LOVE the Temple!

laorana tout le monde!

This week has been such a great week, full of lots and lots of work and many miracles! I am so happt to be here and to serve all of these Tahitian people! I have built such a great love for each and every single one of them! Here are some highlights for my week!
  • We went to the Temple this week with our District and it was super awesome! It had been about 8 months so I was happy to be there! I love the Temple! It is also so cool because it is all in French and that isn't a problem for me anymore!
  • Last P Day we went and did a service project on the beach and picked up trash! I love spedning time with the members in my district! We are all such great friends!
  • We ate with a member in another Ward and he is from Tubuai and was there when I served in Tubuai! And he bought us a Coke to drink!!
  • We teach English class every Wednesday and Friday. I love the students that we have!
  • We had transfers and Elder Harrison and I are staying together again. After this transfer that will make 6 months that we have served together!
  • We have gotten so many new investigators and have been having so much success. We will be having some baptisms really soon. I am SO excited!
Thank you for all of your support! I love my mission and will never forget this time I have spent serving the Lord! I encourage you all to do something nice this week. Show the love of Christ you have for others! Stay awesome!!

Elder Kyle Van Lindt

My District at the Temple
Trash Clean Up Day
Sister Siri and Elder Van Lindt
Taking a Break
 Teaching English
District Meeting


  1. So happy to see that you got to go to the temple. How does it compare to our Sacramento Temple? Hope you had a wonderful 21st birthday we miss you and are so proud of you. Love, Grandma Haas


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