Week 23, 24, 25, 26 - I AM STILL ALIVE!!

I AM STILL ALIVE!! I apologize for no updates this past month! The internet on this little tiny island that I am on wasn't working, so I haven't been able to talk to ANYONE! But I am alive and well!!

So much has happened this last month. One of our recent converts here just got married a few weeks ago and we were able to go the wedding! It was so much fun and we were able to eat a ton of weird foods. So, we were about to start eating and this person brings out this huge plate that is covered up and sets it right in the middle of the table. Then they proceeded to uncover this plate and BAM it is a cow head!! They just cooked a cow head for the center piece! And we literally just grabbed meat off the skull of this cow head with our hands and ate it! The craziest part is, it wasn't even that bad!

Also, here on this tiny little island there are a TON of wild dogs, and they don't like the missionaries! So for our protection we decided it would be best to buy machetes! Now we carry our machetes with us everywhere we go! I haven't had to kill a dog yet, but I have swung the machete!

I am going to list some of the random foods I have also eaten on this island. So, first we ate a bowl of fish hearts in lemon juice served up like cereal. Then, we have eaten fish liver, fish brain, fish eyes, swordfish, lobster, crab and a bunch of other stuff! If you can't tell, they love the seafood here!

Oh, I almost forgot, Thanksgiving! They don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the French Polynesia. So us 4 missionaries on the island (yes there is only 4 of us!) decided we were going to have an island Thanksgiving. They don't have turkey out here so it was a bit different, but we got it figured out. Make sure you take a look at the pictures so you can see our Thanksgiving dinner!

So, right now it is the rainy season, but also the hottest season here on this island. Yes, I know it makes no sense to me either! But we have really been experiencing the rainy weather. We are literally soaking wet all the time. And the best thing about it is we don't have a dryer, so all of our clothes just stay wet! I haven't had dry clothes or a dry towel for weeks. It literally feels like I have just been camping these last few weeks! LOL!

I think I have done so much growing on this island. It has a lot of challenges and is a huge change, but I wouldn't ask for anything else. This island has really taught me about humility and that I really need to work on humbling myself.

Scripture of the week: Alma 26:12, "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."

Elder Tiatia, Me, the Newlyweds, Elder Harrison and Elder Cottle
If you look closely you can see the cow's head
Kyle and his machete
Thanksgiving island style
Drinking straight from the coconut
He was so happy  to find a coke with California on it!
Yes, that would be a fish head in his mouth (blah), he is pushing the fish tongue out with his own tongue!
Never get tired of see the sunsets!


  1. Oh, wow! The Lord will bless you for your great attitude.🙏🏻


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