Week 22 - Tubuai

Hello Everyone!

Tubuai is the most beautiful place I have ever been in my life!

So I got to Tubuai and the missionary work here is kind of at a stand still. Before I left for Tubuai the Mission President gave me a call and we talked and he told me that he needed me to get out there and get the ball moving again, and said he had faith that I could do it. So I got out here and we got straight to work. Rebuilding the relationship with the members, tons of service projects, a lot of activities at the church and just talking to every single person we see! And WOW, the missionary work is now moving! The members love my companion, Elder Harrison, and I, and we have been getting so many different referrals. I have a strong belief that members and missionary work go hand in hand. It is very important to have that support from the members!

So out here in Tubuai everyone has a ton of land and there are a ton of farms! They grow a lot of their own food since there isn't a lot out here. This means that we have so many opportunities for service! This past week we have done 4 service projects! It is so amazing being able to truly help people and serve them.

Life out here is a lot different. The people here are a lot more chilled out and they speak a ton more Tahitian here. So I need to start working on my Tahitian more.

So for a washer and dryer, it is a lot different from what I'm use to! We have this "washer" but it is this washer looking thing and you fill it up with a hose and then it just spins your clothes super slowly for 15 minutes. Then you drain the soapy water, refill it with the hose and turn it on for 15 minutes again, like a rinse cycle. Then we hang dry our clothes on a line! Definitely something that I will have to get use to!

Also, it is pretty cold here. It is nice and hot during the day, but at night it gets pretty cold. I actually have to use a blanket to sleep with!

This week has been a pretty big test for me. The change from Tahiti to Tubuai was really hard. I loved my last sector and all the people in it. It felt like home. Then I fly out to some tiny dot on the map and there is no missionary work going on and it was super stressful. I know the Lord put me here for a reason. I know it is going to be super tough, but I know that it will help me grow so much. Thank you for all the prayers. I love and miss you all!

Scripture of the Week - Matthew 5:44, "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

The reason I chose this scripture is because I think it is important to love everyone, even those you do not like. Always pray for them, because you never know what someone could be going through.


Elder Van Lindt

Me in Tubuai
Beautiful Tubuai
Elder Harrison and me
My finger is continuing to heal 


  1. I'm so happy to see your finger recovering well! I'm grateful for your good attitude and willingness to serve and work. I know you will be blessed for trying and doing your best for the Lord.
    Many, many blessings of peace, inspiration, good health, and joy.
    Happy Thanksgiving,
    Your Grandpa Smart's cousin!
    Lynda Ogden


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