Week 19 - I LOVE the Temple!


I hope you all had a wonderful week full of so much joy and happiness! Just a quick update on Tahiti - It's still beautiful!

This week was such a short week and went by so fast. The zone of missionaries I am in got the opportunity to go to the Temple this week. It was seriously like the best thing ever! The Temple is my most favorite place! I always feel the spirit so strong while I am there and it just feels like the best place to be!

So I got a 'calling' in the Ward that I am serving in. I direct music on Sundays at church. And for those of you who don't know, I am probably the worst singer ever! But I love it and the members love it too! The mami (sister in the ward) who use to do it just smiles and laughs at me the whole time I am up there!

This week my companion and I had a lesson with a new investigator who only speaks Tahitian. So I had to bust my books out and teach a lesson in Tahitian. It actually went really well. It was simple but the spirit was so strong in the lesson!

We have 9 year old twins that are new investigators this week. They are so awesome!  I have a great time teaching them and they LOVE me and my companion. We play a ton of games with them and coordinate our lessons into the games we play. It is a different way of teaching but  I love it! It is super cool to see how many different ways you can invite the Spirit into your lives, sometimes even by playing games!

Scripture of the week: 1 Nephi 2:3, "And it came to pass that he was obedient unto the word of the Lord, wherefore he did as the Lord commanded him."

I really love this scripture because I think it is so important to be obedient. Even the small little things! This week I have been really trying to be the most obedient I can be, because I know it will bless my life and the people around me!

I love and miss you all so much! I hope you all have the best week!

Elder Van Lindt
Me in front of the Tahiti Temple


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