Week 18 - Casting Out Evil Spirits


Those extra 2 days without a P-Day really took it out of me! I am so tired! Today was a much needed day! So many things have happened this week.

Let's start with talking about how our hot water broke this week. So yes, cold showers all week long for me! And the best part is the hot water still isn't fixed, so that means more cold showers for me!

A crazy thing that happened this week was that we got a pet duck. His name is Ricky. He was all alone so we decided to pick him up and take him home and give him a good life! It was super fun, but only lasted about a day, then we let him go because pets are too big of a responsibility!

Okay and a more crazy thing that happened, is that we got a new investigator this week, and man some crazy stuff happened! For the first lesson with him we started talking and I am just getting this really weird feeling the entire time and then the next thing I know our investigator starts talking about evil spirits and that he see's and talks with all of these evil spirits and that I needed to talk quieter or else the spirits are going to hear me. Yeah, freakin' crazy! I just brushed it off and then to end the lesson I was praying and he told me to whisper in the middle of the prayer because the evil spirits didn't like what I was saying. The next thing I know I could feel the evil spirits all around me, so I grabbed my backpack and companion and we left!! After I was talking to Elder Dore (my companion), and he said he felt the exact same thing! At this point I am kinda freaking out! Later that night at about 2am I wake up and hear about 30 dogs fighting in the parking lot just outside our house. So I opened the gate ad yelled at them to leave and they just came after us so we quickly slammed the gate! We had another lesson with this investigator and I decided we should take a member of our ward with us, our mission leader Papi Opuu, because apparently evil spirits are a 'thing' here and he has had experiences with these evil spirits! So mid way through the lesson this member gets up and tells me we need to get the evil spirits out, so we said a prayer by the power of the Priesthood to cast out the evil spirits from his home. It was SO crazy!! You could literally feel the spirits leaving the house! Probably the craziest thing of my life!

This week we had dinner with one of our investigators, Matahi. It was the first time he has ever had missionaries over for dinner. It was so awesome. He is my favorite investigator. I love teaching hm every week!

Scripture of the week, Alma 13:29, "Having faith in the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest."

Elder Van Lindt
Enjoying the sunset!
Meet Ricky the Duck!

On our way to cast out some Evil Spirits!
Alway love Doing the Dew!
Insert from MOM: Yes, this is my son eating fish head. He says the meat in the cheeks is very good!
I am shocked! He wouldn't even eat ketchup before he left!


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