Week 17 - Cockroaches


This week was another great week in the beautiful island of Tahiti!

This week nothing too big happened, but I still have some pretty great stories for you all! I will start by talking about the weather and bugs here. So it has been raining a ton here lately so that means all the bugs and insects come into the houses. So in Tahiti, the cockroaches are just a normal thing and they are SO big! Also lizards are normal as well. So this week we had probably close to a hundred lizards just crawling around our house. No big deal! Then the cockroaches ... so I usually kill like 5 cockroaches a day, but one night when we got home, I went into the bathroom and counted 17 cockroaches! So I am like the master killer of cockroaches in our house because all the other Elders are like scared, so it's always my job. So instead of just spraying them with bug spray, this time I decided to have some fun with it. So an Elder has some Axe Body Spray, so I go that and then I grabbed a lighter and torched all the cockroaches! It was so much fun! Also, super hilarious because none of the Elders have ever seen that before so they were like amazed!

This week we started going over to a members house for an hour each dat to study French with her. She is so awesome and is such a good sport about it. She even made me like homework! The language is coming along really well.  I am finally seeing the progress in my language and it is super motivation.

This week we didn't have a ton of lessons but the lessons we did teach were way awesome! I usually take the lead on all the lessons now so it's way cool! Our investigators are so awesome. I love them all so much!

Scripture of the week: D&C 19:23 "Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my spirit, and you shall have peace in me."

Elder Van Lindt
Feeling Tahitian!

 Studying my French!

Fish, it's what's for dinner!


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