Week 16 - Conference


This week was so crazy for me! I will start with my new companion! His name is Elder Dore. He is from Whales! He has only been on his mission 9 weeks longer then me, so we are both pretty new! Our French is about the same, so we are really having to work together. He is awesome!

My old companion, Elder Glad, left on Monday to Bora Bora and my new companion didn't get here till Wednesday afternoon, so I was with the Zone Leaders for like 3 days this week. They are so awesome, and it was fun tagging along with them! I love Elder Hollowell (Zone Leader) so getting to spend 3 days with him was TONS of fun! We are like the same person so we get along so well!

This week I have pretty much been doing all the teaching during lessons! It has been a big test of my French. But it actually went super well. We fixed 2 baptisms this week so I am hoping that they go through!

This morning all the Elders  got up at 4am to go to the Sister's house and play a prank on them! So we have this like war of pranks, so this morning we got them back! We wrapped their car and then put shaving cream all over it! So funny!

Conference was so awesome this weekend! We were able to watch all the sessions and they were all just so good! Watching it as a missionary is so different because for each talk you just think of an investigator who would need that in their life!

This week instead of a scripture, I am going to do a quote from conference. It has helped me a ton!

"Love without service is like faith without works."

I hope you all have a great week! I love and miss you all so much!

Elder Van Lindt
Me, Sister Orbeck, and Elder Dore
(Sister Orbeck made these ties for us, she is the BEST!)
 Here is the Sister's car! Now we wait for the retaliation!
 View from a hike
Elder Dore and me


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