Week 9 - Last Few Days at the MTC


Last week in the MTC!! So we are getting ready to leave. We leave bright and early Monday morning, August 14th, and I couldn't be more excited! This has been such a great last week at the MTC full of tons of memories, but I am excited to start a new adventure!

So to start off this wonderful week, every Sunday night we have the opportunity to watch a Sunday film. They are usually just different devotionals from Apostles that have came and spoke at the MTC in the past. They are super awesome because they are only available to watch in the MTC! Anyways, we watched a talk from Elder Bednar this week. And then after the film the MTC President got up and said that he had a surprise for us, and out walks Elder Bednar!!! And we were able to do a Q&A with him for an hour! Sooo cool! That is the second time we got to see Elder Bednar in the MTC!

When I got to the MTC I set a goal for myself to read the Book of Mormon again. And this week I achieved that goal. I love the Book of Mormon!

I have a cool story I want to share with you this week about one of mine and my companions investigators. So we taught her about repentance. It was just a normal lesson and we got finished with what we had planned and I got this feeling that I needed to ask her to be baptized. So I gave out the invitation. She replied back with saying that she felt like she wasn't ready. So we usually plan out our lessons before hand so we know how to say everything since it is in Tahitian. And now we had nothing planned for this so it was just straight from the brain. And wow the Gift of Tongues is real and I knew exactly what to say and I have no idea how I did it. Anyways back to the story, I replied back saying I felt like she was ready and I had her read a scripture about faith. As she was reading the scripture aloud the Spirit was so strong and I felt so good. So again, I extended the invitation. And again she said she felt like she wasn't ready. So then I bore my testimony to her that I knew that she was ready for baptism. And again, she said she felt like she wasn't ready. Then I told her that we could plan her baptism for 2 weeks out and we would teach her every single day so that she could feel like she was ready. Again, she said she didn't know. So then I invited her to pray right there and ask Heavenly Father if she was ready for baptism. The Spirit was SO strong. I felt so good inside and I was full of so much happiness. After she finished I asked her how she felt and she said that she wants to be baptized. It was so amazing!

Last night in our class our district had a testimony meeting with all of us and our two teachers. It was one of my favorite classes here in the MTC. Everyone got up and bore their testimony. Before my mission I was NOT a crier. Last night when I got up to bear my testimony, I was balling my eyes out. And that's like the fifth time I have cried at the MTC because of the Spirit being so strong! It was awesome to hear everyone bearing their testimonies in French, Tahitian and English combined!

Scripture of the Week: D&C 31:3, "Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of joy unto this generation."

I have really loved this scripture this week because it is applicable to me. I am so excited to go out into the field this week. I am so happy. This is the happiest I have ever been in my life. I know I need to be on a mission right now and in Tahiti. I love serving the Lord and I know THIS is the best thing for my life right now.

I love you all! Next week I will be emailing from a computer in Tahiti!


Elder Van Lindt

I have loved being able to see my Aunt Kori every Friday at the Provo Temple
Me and my District
My District and I sporting our Tahiti shirts
(yes that would be my companion in the France shirt)


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