Week 7 - Tahitian Language

la orana,

I love my mission. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else at this time. This week was another great week for me! Not a whole lot happened but it was still amazing.

So this week we started learning Tahitian. Yes, my second language here in the MTC! It is a very difficult language to understand because it is nothing like French or English. So I have a ton of learning to do! But anyways we started learning this language and for the first day I had no idea what was going on. I got back to my room that night and was like "What am I going to do?" Well I decided to pray and start studying and making tons of flashcards. And the next day I go to class and my teacher starts speaking in Tahitian and I understand. And for the entire lesson I understood the concept. Tahitian is a very simple language, but you have to be able to understand the structure, pronunciation, and a lot of vocabulary. And after that prayer I was able to understand a lot of stuff. I know the Gift of Tongues is real. And I know that with the help of the Lord I can learn both French and Tahitian in such a short amount of time. I am so excited to be in Tahiti and speak the language with all the people there.

This week we had a day full of just our teachers talking to us about Tahiti. We took a break from the language and just looked at pictures from my teacher's missions' in Tahiti. And WOW it is so beautiful there. It just made me so excited!

A week from today, so next Friday we receive our flight plans. I am so excited. So next week I will be able to give you all the details on my flight! Everyone including me in the two Tahitian districts are excited!

We are like the veterans at the MTC now. It is super cool seeing all the new missionaries that come in each week and remember that that was me just a short 7 weeks ago. We got 15 new Tahitian missionaries this week. It was cool to be able to help them out and show them how much we have learned since we have been here.

The Provo Temple opened back up this week so we were able to go there this morning. Today was such a spiritual day for me in the Temple. I love the temple so much. So after we are done in the temple we usually help out in the laundry room of the temple. So today I was helping and a temple worker walked up to me and asked if I could help him with something, so I said of course and grabbed my companion. He took us to the conformation room and said that they were short on Priesthood holders and that they needed help with the conformations. And then he asked if I would want to do the conformations for the patrons. I did probably a little over 100 conformations. It made me so happy to be alb e to do that. It reminded me of when I served in the temple and I get to do that all the time. The spirit was so strong and I was so glad that of all the missionaries, the temple worker asked me.

Scripture of the week: Helaman 5:47, "Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world."

I really loved this scripture this week because with starting another new language it can get pretty stressful. And after I read this scripture it brought a lot of peace into my life because I know that I have faith in the Gift of Tongues.


Orometua Van Lindt

Going here soon!
We got a new Sister in our District from Caldonia, she already speaks French so she joined us for Tahitian
This is Elder Halliday (in the middle), we have become good friends and he will be serving in Canada, French speaking


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