Week 5 - MTC


Well today marks exactly half way done with my time here at the MTC!! It is such a great feeling! I love it here at the MTC but I am so ready to go out and teach the people in Tahiti! This week was filled with so many amazing things!

At the beginning of the week I was really sick. So I was able to ask an Elder in my district to give me a blessing to help me feel better. The next morning I woke up and my sickness was completely gone. It was such an amazing experience. I have such a strong testimony in the power of the Priesthood. I know that it was through my faith and the power of the Priesthood that I was able to feel better so quickly. 

Also going along with blessings, I was asked by a few people to give them blessings this week. Giving someone a blessing is such an amazing experience. The sprint was so strong and I know that I was just the mouth piece for the Lord. It is such a good feeling to know that people had the trust and faith in me to give them a blessing!

This week I had a meeting with my Branch President and he asked me to stay district leader for all 9 weeks while I am here in the MTC! It is super awesome because usually district leaders are only called for a period of about 3 weeks here in the MTC! He told me that I was such a great leader that he wanted me to stay!

This week I set two major goals for myself. The first goal I set is to only speak French. I have been fulfilling this goal all week and only speaking French. It is super tough, especially when we are in our room at night, but I know it will help me learn the language faster. It is funny because I still only speak French to those who don't even understand or speak French. It has helped me grow so much. I know that the Gift of Tongues is real, but we still need to do our part. My second goal I set for myself is to run a mile everyday during exercise time. I have also kept this goal all week!

Starting this week every Monday night during our exercise time the two Tahitian Districts go out to the sand volleyball court to play against each other. It is so much fun because everyone knows each other, and because we know that's what we will be doing here in a short time!! Our district won of course!

Also on Monday night my district did a little Family Home Evening. It was such a great experience and the spirit was so strong. We all got in a circle and just shared what we love about our district specifically. It was amazing to hear what some of the people said and it also Brought our district very close together. 

Scripture of the week: Alma 32:21

Au revoir!

Elder Van Lindt

My District
Elder Hedges, Elder Peck and me
Trying to escape to Tahiti
My top tag is in Tahitian and the bottom one is in French


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