Week 4 - More MTC!


Man has it been a LONG week! This week was another great one! I still love it here at the MTC and I am so glad to be serving a mission.

This week consisted of a lot of scripture reading! I love the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. I turn to the Book of Mormon every chance I get. My love for it has grown so much. It has helped me so much. I turn to it with questions and always find an answer.

This week we were able to watch the Stadium of Fire fireworks, so that was a bonus. On the 4th of July we didn't get to do anything or watch any fireworks. So I just laid in my bed and listened to them at night. My birthday was good! Thank you for all the cards and emails! My entire zone sang Happy Birthday to me in French so that was awesome.

This week I thought I would be released as a district leader but they kept me in there so I am still the district leader for my district. Our Zone became the biggest zone at the MTC this week. We have about 90 French speakers in our zone and after next week we will have around 115! Our Sacrament Meeting is crazy big!

The language is coming pretty well. I have noticed that my thoughts are now starting to be in French, so that is pretty awesome! Also, it is starting to become difficult for me to write in English because I forget how to spell words in English now. We have been learning about the different tenses of verbs this week, so it has gotten a little more confusing but I seem to be picking it up.

One of our teachers that served in Tahiti showed us pictures this week from her mission. The pictures were beautiful and I am so excited to be in Tahiti.

I have been playing a lot of volleyball this week during my exercise time and I am actually pretty good at it, or the people that I am playing against suck! But overall, it is super fun.

This week prayer has been super important to me. I love to pray. As I have been reading scriptures and praying the Spirit has been so strong in my life. I know that if we pray in faith that God will answer our prayers. I love knowing that I can pray at all time.

Scripture of the week: Moroni 7:33-34

Elder Van Lindt

Modeling my Birthday socks!
Stadium of Fire fireworks
Elder Van Lindt parting the Red Sea with Moses
(there are these beautiful murals in the MTC)
Elder Van Lindt praying with Alma
Elder Van Lindt walking with the Sons of Mosiah
Not as good as the real thing!


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