Week 7 - Tahitian Language

la orana, I love my mission. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else at this time. This week was another great week for me! Not a whole lot happened but it was still amazing. So this week we started learning Tahitian. Yes, my second language here in the MTC! It is a very difficult language to understand because it is nothing like French or English. So I have a ton of learning to do! But anyways we started learning this language and for the first day I had no idea what was going on. I got back to my room that night and was like "What am I going to do?" Well I decided to pray and start studying and making tons of flashcards. And the next day I go to class and my teacher starts speaking in Tahitian and I understand. And for the entire lesson I understood the concept. Tahitian is a very simple language, but you have to be able to understand the structure, pronunciation, and a lot of vocabulary. And after that prayer I was able to understand a lot of stuff. I know the Gift of ...