Week 2 - MTC cont.

Ia Ora Na (Hello In Tahitian),

This week has been so awesome at the MTC. The spirit is so strong here and I am always happy I am here. This week I taught five lessons to the same investigator with my companion and it was all in French. It was cool to see how much my confidence has grown since the first lesson I taught. It was super funny because the investigator became our new teacher yesterday! So now she knows all of our strengths and weaknesses.

On Sunday, Donny Osmond came and spoke to us, so that was pretty awesome. He also wrote a song and performed it for us. We then got to hear a talk that Elder Bednar gave a few years ago to the missionaries in the MTC. It was cool because missionaries are the only people who have ever heard that talk. Then on Tuesday night Brother Hallstrom from the Seventy came and spoke to us. It was a very powerful meeting.

The food here is still good! I've been eating so much. At every meal there are usually two lines serving different foods so I usually go to both lines. So I'm usually eating like six meals a day. But I promise I am still working out! We get an hour every day except for Sunday to exercise.

Here at the MTC there are two choirs. There is the actual MTC choir and there is the shower choir and this week I joined both of them. The MTC choir performed on Tuesday at the devotional and the shower choir performs every night.

It's been awesome this week because everyone in my district and the other Tahitian district have grown very close. We all bond very well so it's super awesome during our meals because we all eat together.

The language is going very well. I have been trying to speak it more often even when I am not in the classroom. I am pretty comfortable praying, bearing my testimony, and carrying on a short conversation with someone. I still have a lot to learn but I am slowly getting it.

Today for our P day exercise we played soccer. It was the Tahitians versus the Canadians. We won!! And I even scored a goal.

This week I have been trying my hardest to be more like Christ. I learned a lot about the Christ like attributes so I am striving to become more like Him. I have especially been focusing on loving everyone. In life sometimes people just really irritate you, or other times we can all be very selfish. Jesus Christ loved everyone. And when most of us would turn in and be selfish he turns outs and loves everyone.

I love and miss all of you!

Scripture of the week Moroni 7:48

Nana (Goodbye in Tahitian)

Elder Van Lindt

My Tahitian District in front of the Provo Temple

My Tahitian District

Me and my companion, Elder Hedges

We still have our personalities!

This is my view from my study area


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