Week 3 - New Mission President

Bonjour! This was such a good week here at the MTC! I absolutely love it here. Both of the Tahitian Districts are full of amazing people and I am so lucky to be around them. Our district is growing so close and everyone seems to get along great. I have found a love for reading my scriptures while I have been here at the MTC. Every second of free time I find myself reading the scriptures. It is so awesome to be able to read the scriptures and understand everything that is going on. Last Saturday, I sat down and read all of 2 Nephi in one sitting! This week was the Mission President training here at the MTC so all of the Apostles came to teach the missions presidents. On Tuesday night Elder Bednar came and spoke to all of us. It was amazing. Not to mention 10 of the 12 Apostles were sitting on the stand! It was such a powerful devotional. Then after the devotional on Tuesday night, we were lucky enough to meet our new Mission President, President Fox. President and Sister Fox seem ...