Week 8 - Travel Plans are in ...

Man time is flying by here at the MTC! It feels like yesterday was P Day. It is crazy to think that we only have 10 days left in the MTC until we leave to TAHITI!!! This was another great week and I am excited to share it with you all.

The Canadians in our zone left this week which sucked. They arrived a week after us and left before us...yes I know it's not fair! But I was able to grow super close to a lot of them so it was tough to see them go this week. I am so excited for them and look forward to hearing about their mission experience.

This week during exercise time I decided to switch things up! Elder Peck and I took on the game of Horse Shoes! And guess what? We are undefeated!! I realized I am actually pretty dang good at horse shoes. So if anyone wants to play me in two years I will take them on!

Last night my district was able to help out with the tours again. I always love helping with the tours because I get to talk to so many people. It is a great experience!

This morning we were able to go to the Temple and it was amazing. My district decided to go and do Sealings this morning. I have never done Sealings before so it was an awesome experience. We are able to sit in as sons and daughters during Sealings. It was such a spiritual moment and the Spirit was so strong in the room. Each time we went through a name I could feel the person we did it for thanking us.

Exciting news, we got our flight plans today! So I will give you all the run down. We leave the MTC at 6:20am on August 14th. Our flight out of Salt Lake leaves at 11:12am. From Salt Lake we fly to LAX and land at 12:10pm. We have a layover in LAX till 4:25pm. Then we leave and go to TAHITI!! We arrive in Tahiti at 9:45pm. It is a long day of traveling but it is so worth it!

So every Thursday morning my district has a service project. Each Thursday it usually consists of cleaning bathrooms in the Elder's dorms. We usually scrub the floors and showers and toilets. This last Thursday was our last one with service so Elder Koyle and I decided to go all out. We are just required to wear jeans and a regular shirt to service but this week Elder Koyle and I wore all of this crazy gear (see the picture). It was so funny and I was sweating so bad in all that gear!

The language is coming along very well. I love learning Tahitian. I probably like Tahitian more then I like French. Tahitian is a very fun language to learn. This week during our lessons I was able to teach all of our lessons in Tahitian without any notes. It was difficult and the lessons were very simple, but the Spirit was so strong.

This week I learned a very valuable lesson. As members of the church sometimes when we explain things in the church we can describe them very difficult. With learning TWO new languages it really has made me teach in very simple sentences. And what I realized is that simple is okay! It's actually great! The simple truths of the church are the best truths of the church.

Scripture of the Week: Ether 12:27 "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."

I love this scripture this week! It is so true. Especially with learning TWO languages you really begin to humble yourself. I realized that on my own I could never learn two new languages. But with the Lord on my side I know that I can do it. It is a weakness of mine but I know that through my faith in Him I will be strong in both French and Tahitian.


Elder Van Lindt

Elder Koyle and me ready to attack the bathrooms!
Elder Manziel and me
He is from Germany and is serving in Canada
Me and my district


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