
Showing posts from August, 2017

Week 11 - Sashimi (a.k.a. Raw Fish)

THIS WEEK WAS AWESOME!!! So this week was super awesome! Let's just start with I FINALLY got a bed!! I am no longer sleeping on the tile floor! And I got a closet so I am no longer living out of my suitcase. I feel like I am starting to settle in. I am even getting use to this French keyboard that I am typing on. The French itself is getting better and better every day. It is still hard but I feel myself improving. My companions say that I speak French a lot better than they did at 2 weeks in the field. The food is still crazy and the majority of the time I have no idea what I am eating! But it is getting better and my stomach is getting use to it. This week we had a lot of fish! RAW FISH! If you know me well, you know that I do not like fish, especially raw fish! We had this fish called Sashimi, and it was actually pretty good! It is cut super thin and then they put it over white rice with some sauce on it. I ate 2 whole plates of it! The bread here is so good! I eat a lot of

Week 10 - TAHITI!!

I am here!!!! And I love Tahiti! I do not know where to begin! We arrived on Monday night around 10pm Tahiti time. There was TONS of people there waiting for us and we had a full on party at the airport!! It was a great welcome! The people here are so nice! I am assigned in the Mahina Zone! It is on the east side of Tahiti. And I am in the Faaripo sector. It is in the middle of the jungle!! There is only one paved road here, totally different then back at home! My  trainer, and new companion, is Elder Glad. He is from Virginia and has been serving for 13 months. I am in a trio right now because my trainers old companion has not been transferred yet due to medical problems. His name is Elder Aubry and he is from Tahiti, so he has been helping me a ton! Now let me tell you about the house I am living in. It is TINY!! There are only four beds in the house and there are five of us. So yes, you guessed it, I am sleeping on the tile floor! Our house literally has the smallest kitchen ev

Week 9 - Last Few Days at the MTC

IAORANA Last week in the MTC!! So we are getting ready to leave. We leave bright and early Monday morning, August 14th, and I couldn't be more excited! This has been such a great last week at the MTC full of tons of memories, but I am excited to start a new adventure! So to start off this wonderful week, every Sunday night we have the opportunity to watch a Sunday film. They are usually just different devotionals from Apostles that have came and spoke at the MTC in the past. They are super awesome because they are only available to watch in the MTC! Anyways, we watched a talk from Elder Bednar this week. And then after the film the MTC President got up and said that he had a surprise for us, and out walks Elder Bednar!!! And we were able to do a Q&A with him for an hour! Sooo cool! That is the second time we got to see Elder Bednar in the MTC! When I got to the MTC I set a goal for myself to read the Book of Mormon again. And this week I achieved that goal. I love the Boo

Week 8 - Travel Plans are in ...

Man time is flying by here at the MTC! It feels like yesterday was P Day. It is crazy to think that we only have 10 days left in the MTC until we leave to TAHITI!!! This was another great week and I am excited to share it with you all. The Canadians in our zone left this week which sucked. They arrived a week after us and left before us...yes I know it's not fair! But I was able to grow super close to a lot of them so it was tough to see them go this week. I am so excited for them and look forward to hearing about their mission experience. This week during exercise time I decided to switch things up! Elder Peck and I took on the game of Horse Shoes! And guess what? We are undefeated!! I realized I am actually pretty dang good at horse shoes. So if anyone wants to play me in two years I will take them on! Last night my district was able to help out with the tours again. I always love helping with the tours because I get to talk to so many people. It is a great experience! Th