Week 27 - 6 Month Mark

Hello all of you beautiful people! I hope you all had a wonderful week full of joy and happiness! And I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season! This week was pretty interesting to say the least ... actually it was just one day that was actually pretty crazy, and it all happened on my 6 month mark! Let me just tell you about this day that we had. It was a beautiful Thursday, we were actually on a split so I was with Elder Cottle and he came to our sector I serve in. It started off as a normal day, we had a lesson in the morning and all was well. We went and passed some members and other investigators just to say hi, then we go to lunch, had a great lunch and got on our bikes to head home ... and this is when it all got crazy! As we are riding home it starts to rain, no big deal. We are riding on the road that goes through the island and it has 3 big hills that we go over. We get to the top of the first and when we are going down if we go fast enough, we can make it ...